
Hardly successful on the Internet?

Why are your competitors more successful than you on the Internet?

Knowledge is power, particularly in business.

Why do we have intelligence services all throughout the world? Intelligence services strive to keep one step ahead of its adversaries by acquiring expertise, gathering and analyzing information, and then passing the results on to those who require them. This is only achievable if you observe and analyze the enemy. There are definitely some parallels with the private sector.

Our online competitor study offers a comprehensive competitor analysis and market survey at a low fixed cost. Have you ever pondered why your competitors have greater success than you? Do you want to keep up with the digital age and increase online sales like your competitors?

We do a rapid, covert, and persistent analysis of your online competition. Of course, your competitors will not learn about it.

Successful Business Owner
Thanks to Smokybrands Marketing Agency®, I manage my success using tailored analytics to better understand my market environment. This has allowed me to significantly boost my sales and win market share.

What are your competitors doing? We give you the information you need!

What is included in the online competitor analysis?

Your thorough analysis at a fixed cost. The value is INCREDIBLE!

You get the following services from us:

  • Professional evaluation by our SEO specialists (We study your competitors’ organic reach as well as their Internet marketing and public relations methods). If the client requests it, we can have a personal discussion about the results.
  • Positions in organic search: Google USA top 100.
  • Backlink situation: Google USA, compared to competitors in the top ten on Google USA at the time of order placement.
  • Report the organic situation to Google USA.
  • Domain comparison versus competitors in the top ten of Google USA at the time of order placement.
  • Review and evaluation of the analysis data.
  • Our specialists are preparing a short report.
  • Preparation and delivery of facts, including a statement and a prescription for action for a sound future web marketing plan.
  • The extent of the evaluations frequently exceeds 500 pages.

What are your competitors doing? We give you the information you need!

Don't get left behind by the competitors!

These are the most frequently asked questions by our clients.

  • What do my competitors do in terms of online marketing?
  • Where do my competitors advertise?
  • Where are competitors hunting for customers?
  • What are the relevant and interesting keywords?
  • Which keywords do the competitors employ to make money?
  • How competitive are the terms that are significant to me?
  • How much do the keywords relevant to me cost in search engine advertising?
  • Where are my competitors positioned?
  • What competitors do I have on Google?
  • Which undiscovered keywords can I employ to outperform my competitors and increase sales with a lower budget?

Finally, no more uncertainty! We can uncover the causes for your competitors’ success and provide you with the tools you need to be more successful on the Internet; let us help you!

How do things look for you?

The motto coined by Friedrich Schiller: “He who does not move with the times, moves with the times”, has lost none of its significance and topicality, especially in the Internet age.

The Internet consulting agency Smokybrands Marketing Agency® specializes in the conception and implementation of digital infrastructures in companies.

Do you want to stay one step ahead of your competitors? The premium solutions from Smokybrands Marketing Agency® give you the right options to stay ahead in a highly competitive market.

Would you like us to provide you with a non-binding status analysis or an objective needs analysis to see where your company stands? No problem, just contact us, we have the right solution for your company too!


Expertise and experience

The company's top management has more than 25 years of experience in marketing with a digital focus.

Cross-industry experience

The experience of over 150 projects in numerous branches has flowed into this company and ensures a sustainable lead.

Trust and reliability

We are a well-known company based in the Federal Republic of Germany, where we are also duly registered in the Commercial Register Court of Hannover. Our target markets are Germany and North America. Do you have any questions about our company or the people involved? We are here for you! Find out more

We screen your competition online fast, discreetly, and ruthlessly.

Where does the competition
get its customers?

Satisfied customers are important

Here's what my customers have to say...

Full-service digital agency for your success on the Internet

All your marketing from
a single source!